
Showing 30 products

Bibs Colour 天然橡膠奶嘴 - Sage & Cloud

供應商: Bibs

BIBS Color是第一個奶嘴帶有圓形的護罩和櫻桃形的乳頭。櫻桃形的乳頭和啞光的輕質護盾旨在模仿母親的乳房。 助產士建議使用來支持自然的母乳喂養-因為兩者的具體長度和BIBS Color的形狀為嬰兒提供了正確的吸吮技巧。 圓形輕巧的防護罩遠離嬰兒的臉,有助於為嬰兒嘴巴周圍的敏感皮膚提供空氣。 mouth. 由助產士推薦以支持自然母乳喂養。 1號奶嘴適合0-6個月 1號和2號奶嘴均適合初生嬰兒 奶嘴由天然橡膠乳膠製成。橡膠是天然材料,因此可能會發生輕微的顏色變化。 防護罩由100%食品安全的聚丙烯(PP)製成。完全不含BPA,PVC和鄰苯二甲酸酯。 在丹麥/歐盟設計及生產 符合歐洲標準EN 1400 + A2。

HKD $128.00
Natural Rubber Latex
Size 1 (0~6M)
Bibs De Lux 矽膠奶嘴 Iron & Baby Blue - Onesize

供應商: Bibs

BIBS Supreme是我們採用時尚丹麥設計的獨家奶嘴。時髦的色彩與現代的啞光效果相融合,呈現出超凡的外觀。獨特而優雅的防護罩旨在促進空氣最佳地通過,進入嬰兒嘴色附近敏感的皮膚。 奶嘴呈對稱形狀,可減少對牙齒和頜骨的壓力。奶嘴扁平且呈水滴狀,因此可以支持頜骨發育。 對稱形狀的奶嘴可促進嬰兒的下巴發育。 奶嘴以最高質量旳的物料製造,而且100%不含BPA,PVC和鄰苯二甲酸鹽。 奶嘴由天然橡膠乳膠製成。橡膠是天然材料,因此可能會發生輕微的顏色變化。 防護罩由聚丙烯(PP)製成,是一種輕便耐用的塑料材料。 1號和2號奶嘴均適用於初生嬰兒。 在丹麥/歐盟設計和生產。 符合歐洲標準標準EN 1400 + A2。

HKD $139.00
Onesize (0~3Y)
Bibs Supreme 天然橡膠奶嘴 Iron & Baby Blue

供應商: Bibs

BIBS Supreme是我們採用時尚丹麥設計的獨家奶嘴。時髦的色彩與現代的啞光效果相融合,呈現出超凡的外觀。獨特而優雅的防護罩旨在促進空氣最佳地通過,進入嬰兒嘴色附近敏感的皮膚。 奶嘴呈對稱形狀,可減少對牙齒和頜骨的壓力。奶嘴扁平且呈水滴狀,因此可以支持頜骨發育。 對稱形狀的奶嘴可促進嬰兒的下巴發育。 奶嘴以最高質量旳的物料製造,而且100%不含BPA,PVC和鄰苯二甲酸鹽。 奶嘴由天然橡膠乳膠製成。橡膠是天然材料,因此可能會發生輕微的顏色變化。 防護罩由聚丙烯(PP)製成,是一種輕便耐用的塑料材料。 1號和2號奶嘴均適用於初生嬰兒。 在丹麥/歐盟設計和生產。 符合歐洲標準標準EN 1400 + A2。

HKD $128.00
Natural Rubber Latex
Size 2 (6~18M)
Bibs Colour 夜光橡膠奶嘴 - Iron & Baby Blue

供應商: Bibs

The nipple is equipped with a valve that lets out air when the baby closes down on the nipple thereby flattening the nipple to shape naturally after the baby's oral cavity.The nipple is produced from natural rubber latex. Since natural...

HKD $139.00
Natural Rubber Latex
Size 1 (0~6M)
Size 2 (6~18M)
Bibs Colour 天然橡膠姆指型奶嘴 - Vanilla & Pine

供應商: Bibs

This product is a 2-pack of BIBS Colour anatomical nipple pacifiers.The anatomically shaped nipple is curved at the top for a natural fit to the baby’s palate with an angled tip for easy tongue placement. When it comes to the...

HKD $128.00
Natural Rubber Latex
Size 1 (0~6M)
Double-sided bib with pacifier strap 雙面有機棉口水巾&奶嘴帶套裝 – Warm grey

供應商: That's Mine

實用且美觀的口水巾,搭配同款的奶嘴帶。口水巾的一面是花紋圖案,而另一面是純色 - 您可以根據 寶寶的衣服選擇匹配的一面。 顏色: 暖灰色材質: 100% 有機棉尺寸: 口水巾: 16,5 x 16,5 cm • 奶嘴帶: L17 cm洗滌說明: 口水巾: 40度機洗奶嘴帶: 手洗

HKD $269.00HKD $100.00
BIBS x Liberty Colour 天然橡膠奶嘴 - Eloise & Blush Mix

供應商: Bibs

BIBS X LIBERTY is an exclusive collection of our bestselling baby and toddler essentials, reimagined in timeless Liberty prints for a beautiful statement. The round lightweight shield faces away from the baby’s face to facilitate a supply of air to...

HKD $149.00
Natural Rubber Latex
Size 1 (0~6M)
BIBS x Liberty Colour 天然橡膠奶嘴 - Eloise & Dusty Blue Mix

供應商: Bibs

BIBS X LIBERTY is an exclusive collection of our bestselling baby and toddler essentials, reimagined in timeless Liberty prints for a beautiful statement. The round lightweight shield faces away from the baby’s face to facilitate a supply of air to...

HKD $149.00
Natural Rubber Latex
Size 1 (0~6M)
BIBS x Liberty Colour 天然橡膠奶嘴 - Capel & Blush Mix

供應商: Bibs

BIBS X LIBERTY is an exclusive collection of our bestselling baby and toddler essentials, reimagined in timeless Liberty prints for a beautiful statement. The round lightweight shield faces away from the baby’s face to facilitate a supply of air to...

HKD $149.00
Natural Rubber Latex
Size 1 (0~6M)
Size 2 (6~18M)
Bibs Colour 夜光橡膠奶嘴 - Sage & Cloud Glow

供應商: Bibs

The nipple is equipped with a valve that lets out air when the baby closes down on the nipple thereby flattening the nipple to shape naturally after the baby's oral cavity.The nipple is produced from natural rubber latex. Since natural...

HKD $139.00
Natural Rubber Latex
Size 1 (0~6M)
Bibs Try-it Colour 3 Pkg 天然橡膠奶嘴3款試用套裝 - Baby Blue

供應商: Bibs

When it comes to pacifiers’ nipples no size or shape is right or wrong because all babies are different. Babies have different preferences, different sucking techniques, and different mouth anatomy. Therefore, we offer different pacifiers that meet all these different...

HKD $149.00
Natural Rubber Latex
Size 1 (0~6M)
Bibs Try-it Colour 3 Pkg 天然橡膠奶嘴3款試用套裝 - Sage

供應商: Bibs

When it comes to pacifiers’ nipples no size or shape is right or wrong because all babies are different. Babies have different preferences, different sucking techniques, and different mouth anatomy. Therefore, we offer different pacifiers that meet all these different...

HKD $149.00
Natural Rubber Latex
Size 1 (0~6M)