
Big Book of Colours 顏色大書

供應商: Books

HKD $169.00

即時 18 位訪客

Winner - Schools Library Association Information Book Award

A fantastic journey through an amazing world of over 130 colours, including the primary and secondary colours and descriptive colour words, such as canary yellow, russet and mint green. Includes a colour wheel to turn to see which colours go well together and a see-through acetate page to flip to see what happens when you mix colours. A delightful book to share and talk about with a young child, and to use as inspiration for writing and painting as they grow older.

穿越超過 130 種顏色的奇妙世界,包括原色和次要顏色以及描述性顏色詞,如金絲雀黃、赤褐色和薄荷綠。 包括一個色輪可以轉動以查看哪些顏色可以很好地搭配在一起,還有一個透明的醋酸纖維頁面可以翻轉以查看混合顏色時會發生什麼。 一本令人愉快的書,可以與年幼的孩子分享和談論,並在他們長大後用作寫作和繪畫的靈感。

Big Book of Colours 顏色大書

Big Book of Colours 顏色大書

HKD $169.00