
Listen and Learn First English Words 音效書

供應商: Books

HKD $159.00

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A fun and interactive way for children to learn and listen to over 100 everyday English words spoken by a native speaker. Children will love selecting a card with illustrations of a topic such as clothes, food, or animals, slotting it into the book’s special frame and pressing an illustration to hear the word read aloud. Each of the four double-sided topic cards shows sixteen words with colourful corresponding pictures. A fun and engaging way for preschool children to learn English as either a first or second language.

一種有趣的互動方式,讓孩子們學習和聆聽母語人士說的 100 多個日常英語單詞。 孩子們會喜歡有衣服、食物或動物等主題插圖的卡片,把卡片插入書籍的特殊框架中,然後按下插圖以聽到朗讀單詞。 四張雙面主題卡中的每一張都顯示了十六個單詞,並帶有彩色對應的圖片。 是學齡前兒童學習英語作為第一語言或第二語言的一種有趣且引人入勝的方式。

Listen and Learn First English Words 音效書

Listen and Learn First English Words 音效書

HKD $159.00