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供應商: Babynoise
Our musical box set is jam packed with all our favourites plus some limited editions the beautiful white xylophone which comes with TWO sticks so you can enjoy it with your little babe, two maracas, our wooden tambourine bells and...
供應商: OhbabyMacau
慶祝和你在一起的第一個365天。 記錄我365個斷成碎片的夜晚。生日快樂 我的寶貝❤️ 送給寶寶第一個生日的禮物,當然要有紀念價值。 極具質感的積木,拍完周歲照,可以給寶寶當玩具。 也是長大後和寶寶一起回顧兒時回憶的寶物。 "不管你長大後有沒有當上周歲時選的職業,媽媽只希望你健康平安快樂" 內含物 12件抓周積木 說明書 產品說明 材質: 櫸木。積木使用原木實木製造,每件均為人手製造打磨,原木無毒。 產地:台灣 尺寸: 每個積木高度約8cm, 厚度約2cm 備註: 每塊積木木紋為天然成長而成,因此每件產品的木紋紋理表現皆無法完全相同。 每件積木均由手工打磨,非精密商品,下單前請注意。
供應商: Books
Bring Calm to a Busy World with 50 Nature Stories All around us, nature is turning, growing…and working. Every day, hour by hour, magical transformations happen right in front of you. But it's not always easy to see them… Discover...
Learn a new and inspiring word every day of the year with this book, arranged into 52 seasonally themed spreads. Each fully illustrated scene provides a fun and supportive platform to introduce little readers to big words and extend their...
供應商: Qtoys
Turn the tower upside down and watch the colourful balls cascading down! This toy offers a fun way for young people to explore the concept of gravity. All materials used are child-safe and non-toxic. 將雨聲筒倒置,觀看彩色球層疊落下! 這款玩具為幼兒探索重力概念提供了一種有趣的方式。 所有使用的材料都是兒童安全且無毒的。
供應商: Mushie
What happens when we make a mistake? As Little Brown Bear knows, making a mistake isn’t something to be ashamed of, it’s something to celebrate, because mistakes show that we are learning and growing. Unlock the power of self-belief with...
Friendship is one of life’s greatest gifts – and one of its most important skills! As Little Brown Bear knows, having a friend to rely on makes all the difference in the world. But in order to have good friends,...
This visual encyclopedia of first words gives early readers a chance to learn a new word every day of the year. A companion title to An Interesting Word for Every Day of the Year, this title introduces first concepts including...
Little children will love to watch the train as it whizzes around the tracks in this delightful interactive book. Colourful scenes with embedded tracks provide lots to see and talk about as the train begins its busy morning at the...
Little hands will love pressing the buttons on this bright and colourful board book to hear the tunes of their favourite nursery rhymes. Includes five popular nursery rhymes:‘Hickory, Dickory, Dock’, ‘Humpty Dumpty’, ‘Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star’, 'Baa Baa Black Sheep'...
A toy and a book in one, this large, chunky board book comes with a wind-up toy steam train and four slot-together tracks. Children can wind up the train and place it on the tracks to see it chugging...
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