
TouchThinkLearn: Shapes 觸感硬頁書

供應商: Books

HKD $179.00

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Combining scooped-out die-cuts with raised, shaped elements, TouchThinkLearn books offer youngest learners an irresistible opportunity to explore their universe in a hands-on, multisensory way. See the image, trace its shape, say its name: these modes of perception combine in a dynamic way to stimulate understanding of essential concepts. Experience the number “2” both by counting a pair of raised car wheels on one side, and feeling its shape on the other. Contemplate a circle by touching the raised surface of an owl hooting at night on one side, and the form of a moon rising on the other. Featuring a format unlike any other, these groundbreaking books translate abstract thought into tangible knowledge.

TouchThinkLearn 書籍將挖出的模切與凸起的形狀元素相結合,為最年輕的學習者提供了一個不可抗拒的機會,以動手、多感官的方式探索他們的世界。 看圖像,追踪它的形狀,說出它的名字:這些感知模式以一種動態的方式結合起來,以激發對基本概念的理解。 通過在一側數一對凸起的車輪,在另一側感受它的形狀來體驗數字“2”。 一邊觸摸夜間鳴叫的貓頭鷹的凸起表面,一邊觸摸月亮升起的形狀,從而觀想一個圓圈。 這些開創性的書籍採用與眾不同的格式,將抽象思想轉化為有形知識。

TouchThinkLearn: Shapes 觸感硬頁書

TouchThinkLearn: Shapes 觸感硬頁書

HKD $179.00