🎄聖誕禮物截單日期19/12🎄20-25/12休息🌙26/12恢復發貨🤍📦澳門滿$300送ebuy 滿$500送貨 香港滿$599免順豐運費
Showing 65 products
供應商: Plan Toys
Children can lace corresponding colors together to form a sheep. The toy helps them learn basic colors and sequence. Learn basic colors and sequences by lacing the sheep together Improves fine motor skills while developing problem solving and logical...
供應商: Tender Leaf
具異國情調的木製砧板和一把藍色小刀。有切成三等份的鳳梨、二等份的西瓜、椰子、香蕉、百香果和火龍果,附魔鬼氈設計以利於切開,以及包含用於整理的網袋。 特色:- 學習用刀的安全知識以及認識水果種類,提升生活認知。- 木刀設計促進小肌肉精細運動的發展,強化抓握能力。- 將切開的蔬菜再黏合,培養孩童專注力與觀察力。- 積木厚度合宜,透過孩子的擺放動作,訓練手眼協調。- 可多人一同玩耍,增進社交能力;一人獨自遊戲也開心! 適用年齡:2歲以上 產品尺寸:15 x 17 x 7 cm, 0.29 kg包裝尺寸:18.5 x 6.5 x 18 cm, 0.35 kg
供應商: Books
12 Presents to Find Written by Rachel Piercey; illustrated by Freya Hartas Board Book; 180mm x 167mm; 12pp Publishing 13 October 2022 Follow Bear as he sets off on a festive Christmas present hunt adventure with his friends in the forest....
'Simple read-aloud text is combined with gentle illustrations and gorgeous photography' – The Bookseller Meet Little Bear, who doesn't want to go to sleep. But when she goes to find a friend to play with, the other animals are too...
There’s so much to discover in this ingenious little book! Read the story, lift the flaps, enjoy the funny rhyming text, learn the letters of the alphabet and, then, when you’re finished, flip the book and have fun with the...
供應商: Grünspecht
視覺與聽覺的美妙結合是玩具更是藝術品的音樂樹•七彩的漸變色彩呈現自然之美•層次分明的音階交會出美妙音律•選用環保木材實現永續環保概念•嚴謹的德國工藝呈現靈動氛圍•飽滿明亮的色彩有助於美感啟蒙•在遊戲的多變聲響中刺激五感開發•三種尺寸滿足不同大小的擺放空間•隨不同尺寸附送對應的彈珠• 可與其他品牌的木球搭配出動聽旋律• 德國木玩最高獎項肯定•獲德國優良玩具Spiel gut認證• VOGUE雜誌評爲最適合送給孩子的禮物之。 Spiel gut在玩具界有超過六十年的歷史由醫生、心理學家、教育學家擔任委員嚴選世界上適合孩子的玩具,是極有權威的專業機構彩虹花瓣音樂樹以做工精良安全無虞且寓教於樂等優點而備受肯定獲得Spiel gut認證篇優良玩具 不只在木工上榮獲德國木玩產業的最高獎項(Deutscher Designpreis Holzspielzeug)療癒的音律和吸引人的外表更讓彩虹花瓣音樂樹被VOGUE雜誌評爲最適合送給小孩子的禮物之一 Large 大 Medium 中 Small 小 底盤 25 x 25 cm 16 x 16 cm 11 x 11 cm 高度 72 cm 48 cm 38 cm 配件 附6粒1.4 cm...
An internationally bestselling series of board books with amazing real-life sounds! It’s time to listen to beautiful music from French composer Camille Saint-Saëns’s beloved classical piece The Carnival of the Animals. Push the buttons to hear the songs! Aimed at...
供應商: Fabelab
我們豪華可愛的Grow with Me矽膠杯使從瓶子到杯子的轉換變得輕鬆而有趣!我們的杯子由100種食品級有機矽製成,不含有害化學物質,例如BPA,鉛和鄰苯二甲酸鹽。我們的訓練杯配有柔軟的矽膠吸管,清潔刷和兩個手柄,是小孩學習像大孩子一樣喝水的理想方式!當他們準備好用杯子飲水,只需取下蓋子和吸管即可。.
This little Pacificer Shooting Star with sweet embroidered details has a hold of your little one's pacifier and will make sure that he feels safe. When needed, clip off the pacifier and let the baby play and cuddle with the...
Fabelab's Grip Puzzle Fabbies Land is for the little ones learning to explore their newfound fine motor control. Each wood puzzle has a little knob to easily grip onto and pull out the favourite Fabbie. Each of the puzzles illustrates...
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