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Showing 36 products
供應商: Books
A toy and a book in one, this large, chunky board book comes with a wind-up toy steam train and four slot-together tracks. Children can wind up the train and place it on the tracks to see it chugging...
Little children will love to watch the train as it whizzes around the tracks in this delightful interactive book. Colourful scenes with embedded tracks provide lots to see and talk about as the train begins its busy morning at the...
Bring the magic of music into your home with this interactive book, which features a wind-up mechanism that sounds just like a musical jewellery box. Wind and play the nostalgic carol Deck the Halls as you settle down to share Clement C....
Would you like to be a wizard? Just grab the wand that comes with this book, and you're ready to go!When you press it onto each page and say the magic words, you'll hear an amazing sparkly spell. You'll learn...
供應商: Tender Leaf
這是一款方便的披薩烤箱,附帶5塊木柴,可以點燃自己的虛擬披薩烤箱!在紅色的毛氈蕃茄底上,製作屬於自己獨一無二的披薩,使用6種不同的披薩配料!用披薩鏟將它們放進烤箱裡,等待它們烤熟。胡椒罐也包含在內! 適用年齡: 3歲及以上產品尺寸:18.2 x 9.6 x 19 cm, 1.13 kg包裝尺寸:21.7 x 12.7 x 20.3 cm, 1.26 kg
八種恐龍積木(暴龍,迅猛龍,副櫛龍,三角龍,翼龍,劍龍,甲龍,腕龍)。認識侏儸紀世界,原木打造的恐龍,充滿童趣的圖形設計,讓孩子在遊戲中培養認知能力。透過8款恐龍積木,訓練小手肌肉和體驗平衡原理,是一款可隨身攜帶的簡易耐玩遊戲。 特色:- 設計優雅、質感精美,無論大人小孩都十分喜歡,亦可作為辦公桌上的療癒小物。- 堆高遊戲可訓練孩子手眼協調能力,透過平衡及調整積木過程,訓練手腕、手指的靈活度。- 採用天然輕質硬木-橡膠木,質地細緻、觸感溫潤、積木輕巧好抓握。- 針對不同年齡層孩子可設計不同玩法,例如顏色配對、角色配對、堆高遊戲、故事接龍等。- 發展口語閱讀和認知發展,進而增進記憶力、觀察力和專注力。 適用年齡:3歲以上尺寸:36 x 7.5 x 32.5 cm重量:1.28 kg 建議搭配: 恐龍拼圖 恐龍拼圖 觸感書
10種海洋生物積木(海龜,海豚,飛魚,海豹,海雀,寄居蟹,螃蟹,鯨魚,企鵝,海鷗)。認識海洋世界,原木打造的沿海生物,充滿童趣的圖形設計,讓孩子在遊戲中培養美學能力。透過8款動物積木,訓練小手肌肉和體驗平衡原理,是一款隨身攜帶的簡易耐玩遊戲。 特色: - 設計優雅、質感精美,無論大人小孩都十分喜歡,亦可作為辦公桌上的療癒小物。- 多種不同玩法,孩子透過不停嘗試、組合與放置,增進挫折忍受力、耐力。- 十種動物,除可做積木堆疊遊戲外、亦可玩故事接龍、模擬動物世界對話等等,創造孩子對遊戲的想像力。- 採用天然輕質硬木-橡膠木,質地細緻、觸感溫潤、積木輕巧好抓握。- 針對不同年齡層孩子可設計不同玩法,例如顏色配對、角色配對、堆高遊戲、故事接龍等。 適用年齡:3歲以上尺寸:36.2 x 7.5 x 25.8 cm重量:1.23 kg 建議搭配: 海洋大書記憶遊戲卡
Bring the magic of music into your home with this interactive book, which features a wind-up mechanism that sounds just like a musical jewellery box. Wind and play the Waltz of the Flowers as you share the enduring joy of this classic...
This spectacular lift-the-flap Christmas alphabet story is a book, a fold-out play-scene, and a beautiful festive frieze to decorate your room! Everyone is busy on Christmas Street! Who is baking gingerbread? Who is wrapping presents? And who's that coming down...
YOU get to make the magic happen in this unique sound book. Each time you touch the wand to one of the special dots on the pages, you'll hear the magic spells that bring fairyland to life! Children will be...
100 Words for Every Child to Understand Words matter. You matter! Choose your words wisely. 這本口袋大小的書本收錄了100個詞彙,用來教導孩子們認識我們所生活的這個世界,以及如何在這個世界中找到自己的方向。每頁都提供了一個詞彙和適合該年齡的定義,還有相關的活動、資源或正念提示,由Instagram上的暢銷畫家Annelies Draws繪製插畫。全書分為四個章節,包括: Feelings Matter: Afraid; Grateful; ProudYou Matter: Authentic; Consent; ResilienceDifferences Matter: Disability; Equity; RaceChangemakers Matter: Ally; Conservation; Feminism
More Nature Stories to Make You Stop, Look and Be Amazed by the Tiniest ThingsWritten by Laura Brand; illustrated by Freya HartasHardback; 290 x 235 mm (P); 64ppPublished 29 September 2022 A Waterstones Best Children's Books of September 2022 "An enchanting...
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